Advanced Typography Projects – Unified Signage

PROJECT 1 – Way-Finding (Unified Signage):

Choose an institution, such as a museum, zoo, park, university (yes, you can do Marywood), hospital, amusement park or retail establishment, that uses signage to inform and guide visitors. Design a text-based system of signs consisting of three levels:

  1. A main sign that identifies the institution. This should be a 3D, environmental solution that establishes the nature of the organization. If possible, build an actual, 3D scale model of the sign, or create a rendering of how it would appear at the site.
  2. A secondary level of signs that identifies departments within the organization. For instance, a zoo might have a reptile section, a bird section, big cats, etc. while a retail store might have women’s wear, men’s wear, shoes, etc. This signage should display unity with the main sign, but it doesn’t have to be 3D. Do at least three.
  3. The third level would identify specific offices, specimens, animals, products, etc. These can take many forms, such as signs on office doors, cages, or walls; free standing placards; hanging signs; tags on clothing; etc. This level should also be visually unified with the other two levels. Do at least three.

Write a short proposal that describes the type of institution you’ve chosen and the solution you’ve settled on including your reasoning, materials to be used, color schemes, placement and any other pertinent information.

Highway Signs


3D Examples:

Example 1,     Example 2,     Example 3

Chang Rae 3D type

Chang Rae 3D type 2