Digital Illustration: Title Art

Syllabus   Projects   Class Schedule

Digital Illustration: Title Art

Design the title for your project as it would appear in the opening credits and in promotions. The title art for a movie, video game, app or book needs to be visually dynamic and create a sense of the story’s mood. It requires more than just picking an appropriate typeface, although that can be a good starting point. You need to create a unique, type-based illustration that has impact and gives a sense of what your story is about. The type can be embellished with characters or elements from the story. Consider three dimensional treatments, or making it look like it’s made of materials that are relevant to your story (metal, glass, water, plants, etc.).

Project Specs

  • Write a short paragraph explaining your proposed solution to accompany your initial thumbnail sketches. It should briefly describe your idea, the style you’re planning to use and why.
  • Keep a time sheet for your project. It can be downloaded here. TimeSheet
  • The size and shape of the title is going to be different for everyone. It may be horizontal, vertical, square, round, etc.
  • Since it will be used in print promotions as well as on screen, you need to make both a high-resolution and low-resolution version. The hi-res should fit on an 11”x17” print at 300dpi and be CMYK. The lo-res should fit on a 1024 x 768 pixel screen for a tablet, or 1920 x 1080 pixels for a movie and be RGB.
  • All finished art must be done in either Illustrator, Photoshop or a combination of both. Preliminary sketches can be done with traditional media and then scanned.
  • Email the professor a screen-resolution PDF (Name file: lastName1stInitialTitle) of the finished project including your written proposal and time sheet.